Google Chrome (headless)
When running tests in browser, wallaby.js uses your local version of Google Chrome (headless) as its test runner by default.
You may use an absolute or a relative path (or a command if you have it in PATH
) in your
wallaby.js config file. It may be useful if you would like to use a specific version of
module.exports = function () { return { ...
env: { kind: 'chrome', runner: '/Users/user/path/to/chrome' } };};
Passing Chrome flags
By default, wallaby.js is passing the following flags to Chrome:
For Linux environments, an additional two flags are also passed:
You may pass other flags, by using the env.params.runner
setting, for example:
module.exports = function () { return { ...
env: { kind: 'chrome', params: { runner: '--headless --disable-gpu' } } };};