Introduction: What's New

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Most Recent Major Features and Changes

The What’s New section includes major features and changes that have been made in the last 12-18 months. For older news or more details about minor updates and changes, please refer to our changelog.

Support for Vitest v1.4.x+ (18 Mar 2024)

Wallaby now supports the latest version of vitest (v1.4.0). The recent update of vitest included breaking changes that required rework of Wallaby’s integration.

Support for AVA 6.1.2+ (01 Mar 2024)

Wallaby now supports the latest version of AVA (v6.1.2). The recent version included breaking changes that required rework of Wallaby’s integration.

Support for Vitest v1.3.1+ (23 Feb 2024)

Wallaby now supports the latest version of vitest (v1.3.1). The recent update of vitest included breaking changes that required rework of Wallaby’s integration.

Support for Import Assertions and Attributes (16 Feb 2024)

Wallaby now supports Import Attributes, a new JavaScript language feature. Import Attributes replaced the Import Assertions language feature, which was already supported by Wallaby. Wallaby now supports both of these language features.

Support for Vitest v1.x (06 Dec 2023)

Wallaby now supports vitest@v1.0.x, a major update that was just released yesterday. We had been closely monitoring the progress of Vitest’s 1.0.x beta releases to ensure we could support the official 1.0.x version as soon as possible after it was released. There were numerous breaking changes and enhancements introduced in Vitest’s latest version that required updates to Wallaby’s integration. If you are using an earlier version of Vitest, we recommend reading the Vitest migration guide to understand changes that may affect your project.

Jasmine v5.1.x (14 Nov 2023)

Wallaby now supports the latest version of Jasmine (v5.1.1) for both node.js and browser tests. The latest version of Jasmine included breaking changes that required updates to Wallaby’s integration. To use the latest version of Jasmine, please ensure you’re running the latest version of Wallaby.

Previous major features and changes

Our what’s new archive contains the full history of our major features and changes (starting February 2020).

Full Change Log

Our changelog is available in our public repository. Please note that while we update our changelog every few months, we release new versions of Wallaby.js a few times a week (sometimes a few times a day).

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