New Wallaby.js for JetBrains Editors

  29 Apr 2019   2 min read

We’ve been busy rewriting our Wallaby JetBrains plugin for the last few weeks. This rewrite was necessary to support another feature that we are working on, the ability to use Jest and Angular CLI without configuring Wallaby.

As a part of the re-write we’ve made a few changes that you will notice and we also had some nice unexpected performance improvements.

Improved Change Tracking
We have completely re-implemented the way that Wallaby tracks new or removed lines in your code files. Wallaby is now more accurate and efficient in detecting code changes and running affected tests. Previously, Wallaby would run all tests in a file when multiple lines in a file were edited since the last test run, now only the affected tests are executed.

Node.js Version
The previous version would download and install version 8.5 of Node.js for test executions. Instead, the new version uses your system version of Node.js (as referenced in your PATH). As with the previous version, you can choose to explicitly specify the version of Node.js you want to use in your Wallaby Run Configuration.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Support
If you are a Windows user wanting to run your Wallaby tests using WSL, you can now specify to Use WSL in your Wallaby Run Configuration.

Performance Improvements
For larger projects (10,000 files, 2,500 tests), we saw the total memory footprint for IntelliJ decrease by 300Mb (a 21% reduction). We also measured a 23% reduction in execution times with the initial test run decreasing by 17 seconds.

What’s next?
We’re working on the same set of enhancements for Visual Studio, as well as support for Visual Studio 2019 (both are expected to be released before the end of May). We’re also working on our zero configuration capability for Jest (expected to be released before the end of June).

Thanks for reading! As usual, we would love to hear your feedback on the features on Twitter, or our GitHub repo.