Introducing Quokka.js Pro edition

  29 Sep 2017   4 min read

Quokka.js was introduced back in March 2017 and had been a great success. Over the last few months the tool had been downloaded 300k times (100k times in September alone). We keep hearing new amazing stories from our users about how the tool is helping them, and it is a great source of inspiration for us.

Since the very first released version, we have announced our plans to keep Quokka.js ‘Community’ edition free for everyone. And even though it takes huge amount of time and effort for our team to develop, support and maintain the tool like Quokka, we are committed to provide the ‘Community’ edition of the tool for free for everyone.

Also, since the start of the project, we have promised to introduce commercial ‘Pro’ edition of the tool with some advanced features in future. Many of those features were available for free for everyone who wanted to use them for the last few months.

So today we are finally happy to introduce Quokka.js ‘Pro’ edition. The features available in ‘Pro’ in addition to all ‘Community’ edition features today are: live comments, project files import, quick package install and lice performance testing.

Live Comments

Log any expression anywhere in your code by using a special comment right after the expression you want to log. You may also write any JavaScript code right in the comment to shape the output.

When you place the comment after an expression that is a promise or an observable,
the resolved value of the promise or the observable is logged.

Project Files Import

Import any files from your project into your Quokka file. Quokka will watch project files for changes and automatically update when dependent files change.

Babel or TypeScript may be used for imported files compilation.

Quick Package Install

Quickly install any node package, without switching away from your editor, even without having to type the package name.

Packages may be installed just for the active quokka session
or for your project as well.

Live Performance Testing

Quickly see how various parts of your code perform by using a special comment. Identify possible bottlenecks in your app, or just experiment to see how different implementations perform.

For expressions that are executed multiple times,
Quokka displays total, average, minimum, and maximum execution time.

Finally, a few words about the pricing. We have promised to make the tool’s price affordable — you may purchase Quokka.js ‘Pro’ personal perpetual license with free updates for a year for $50 (or $100 if you are a company). That’s right, it is a little over $4 per month (or little over $8 per month if you are a company) for a year of free updates for the professional developer tool.

Also, for a limited time, we are happy to offer our Wallaby.js users a discount on Quokka.js ‘Pro’ licenses. If you own an active Wallaby.js license key and would like to purchase Quokka.js ‘Pro’ license, contact us with your Wallaby order number, or your license key.

Whether you are using Quokka.js ‘Community’ edition or ‘Pro’ edition, we appreciate your feedback, feature requests and bug reports. Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date with the tool’s news, and happy experimenting with Quokka.js!