Faster way to run, debug and view results of node:test tests

node:test CLI
Wallaby for node:test

Overall score

Overall score

As a testing framework, node:test provides tons of useful and powerful features, such as a variety of matchers, snapshot testing and built-in mocking. However, as a development time test runner node:test CLI can be slow for a large number of tests, make it hard to debug test failures, make it hard to understand the cause of failing tests, and are distracting. There is an easy way to fix these problems and to become way more productive with node:test.


node:test can be slow, even in watch mode.

Wallaby is the fastest available JavaScript test runner.

node:test in watch mode re-runs all tests in all test files related to changed files based on its dependency tracking.

Wallaby only re-runs tests that are affected by your changes, regardless of whether the files are uncommitted, in source control, or unsaved.

If you have 3 source files that are covered by 3 different test files each, and each test file has 30 or more tests, and you are changing 1 test in one of the test files,

node:test will re-run 30+ tests, on file save event.

If you have changes (saved or not unsaved) in 3 component files that are covered by 3 different test files each, with 10 tests each, and are changing 1 test in one of the test files,

Wallaby will re-run 1 test, as you type.


node:test debugging experience is limited, painful to use and outdated.

Wallaby adds a few powerful instruments to debugging classics, designed specifically for tests.

When you need to debug node:test tests, your options are limited to using a good but over a decade old console.log, or, if your editor supports it and you have correctly configured it, you may use a classical debugger. Most of the debugger features are over 40 years old and have not been designed to support a fast edit-and-continue test feedback loop.

When using Wallaby, there's less need to debug in the first place, because of realtime inline output and value explorer. However, when a debugger is required, in addition to existing tools, Wallaby offers time travel debugger and test stories. Wallaby debugger requires no config, works for monorepos and dynamic/data driven tests, such as it.each().

Tests output

node:test test output is hard to read, search and act upon, especially when many tests are failing.

Wallaby test output is ergonomic, highlighted, editor integrated and actionable.

node:test test and console output is displayed in the terminal, with awkward spacings; limited searching and navigation options makes life hard.

Wallaby test output is deeply integrated with your editor, highlighted using your editor colors and contains actionable links to navigate to tests, logs and errors, view/update snapshots (even for a single test), explore assertion diffs, and debug individual tests.

Code coverage

node:test code coverage is a separately available static artifact of a test run.

Wallaby code coverage is a first class citizen, continuously and seamlessly displayed in editor.

node:test code coverage results are available as statically reports.

Wallaby branch-level code coverage is updated in your editor gutter as you type, and individual test coverage can be viewed. A strategic-level view of your project's code coverage with various available levels of aggregation is also available and updated in realtime.


node:test is maintained by some awesome people from the node.js OSS community, but new features and fixes are subject to node.js' release cycle.

Wallaby is a commercially successful tool backed by a team of dedicated professionals passionately working on it full-time for living.

There's no bug you can't fix yourself or question you can't find an answer for, it is just a matter of how you want to spend your time.

Wallaby team offers GitHub issues and Discord support, and dedicated email support. We respond within minutes and solve issues within a few hours.

Node is free, but only if your time is free.

Wallaby is free for OSS projects, our perpetual commercial license is priced the same as a video game or a fancy dinner for two.

Dev environment
CI server
Nodenpm test

Use Wallaby to boost your productivity by running and debugging Node tests in VS Code or WebStorm as you are writing your tests/code.

Use node:test as your testing framework for your tests, use node:test CLI to run tests as a part of your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline.