Wallaby.js License Management
How can I renew my existing license or upgrade it?
You may calculate the price and renew your existing license(s) to include 12 more months of free updates, or upgrade your existing Wallaby license to Wallaby + Quokka bundle license using our store page.
How can I download the latest version of wallaby.js covered by my current license?
The content of this page is adjusted based on your editor of choice. Please select your editor by clicking on your editor's logo below before proceeding:
![VS Code](/assets/img/icon4_vsc.png)
![IntelliJ platform](/assets/img/icon_jb.png)
![Visual Studio](/assets/img/icon2_vs.png)
![Sublime Text](/assets/img/icon2_sublime.png)
If you are using Visual Studio Code, please follow the installation steps in our docs and Wallaby.js will automatically use the latest version available for your license.
If you are using Sublime Text, please follow the installation steps in our docs and Wallaby.js will automatically use the latest version available for your license.
If you are using a JetBrains editor (such as WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, RubyMine or PyCharm), and your license expired after June 2019, please follow the installation steps in our docs and Wallaby.js will automatically use the latest version available for your license.
If you are using a JetBrains editor, and your license expired before June 2019 then you may use our latest covered version form to get the download link for the wallaby.js version covered by your current license.
If you are using Visual Studio, then you may use our latest covered version form to get the download link for the wallaby.js version covered by your current license.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If after installing your previous version you continue to receive the expired license message, please perform a Force Wallaby.js Core Update.
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